Using the arrow keys, select one of the reports listed here and the printer will produce a report with all invoices that age and older, customer number, age of balance, totals for each customer and total for the report Here we show the report you are about to print. Be sure to press CTRL-ENTER to start the printout. ?Credits must be applied to open items before they can be entered as unapplied credits on an account. If the customer has sent a payment, it should be entered against an invoice on the Payments/Adjustments screen first and the balance applied here as an unapplied credit. Refer to manual for details. YPress ESC to return. PRESS ENTER TO SEE MORE INVOICES FOR A GIVEN CUSTOMER F1 TO GET THIS HELP SCREEN F2 WILL TOGGLE BETWEEN VIEWING ALL INVOICES FOR THE CUSTOMER or ONLY INVOICES WITH BALANCES CTRL-ESC WILL EXIT THIS PROGRAM This Message in- Date and the day dicates if the of the week for NOTES Screen has currently any information selected 18 appointments, 9 AM, and 9 PM. Press enter to go to next appoint- ment slot, Esc to the previous slot Press Ctrl-Esc to return without save OEnter the vendor number to post payments against. If you do NOT know the acct. number, then leave the field blank and press enter. A window will help you to locate the vendor. pRemember to use the minus sign on the keyboard when entering a payment. This is particularly true of adjustments where the amount can be either positivew or negative. BACKUP2 JIf you wish to print the Aged Trial Balance report, press enter. If you do not want to print this, press 'N'and press enter. The invoices will be generated without the ageing report. xA or B: #The first step, in either case, will #cause a backup to be made on the default !floppy drive. This drive can be changed, !if necessary, in the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION on the main menu. Do NOT remove the disk !from the drive until the backup has been !finished. The disk drive may not run due !to the compression of the files to the #floppy diskette. This is normal. If you "open the drive door before the backup is !completed, the data on the disk is bad. 8Press ENTER %Once the backup is completed, an aged report will print if you selected YES form the menu above. The program will take you to the next step, where you will be asked for dates and text to print on the invoices. Have the invoices forms ready, as this will be the the next print job requested by the system. After the invoices have printed, you will place the plain white paper into the printer in order that the audit trail for the invoices can be produced. This audit should be put in a safe place for future reference. At this point, the recurring billing operation is complete. ^Press ENTER to return. ) + Day of To Change Months The month To Change Days Use: Last Month Use: Next Month Ctrl-PgUp Last Year Ctrl-PgDn Next Year Total number of AM Appointments Ctrl-Home to Return to Total number of Todays Date PM Appointments Enter for Appointments Ctrl-Esc to Return to Main Menu This is the file NAME that is currently active and being modified by you CREDIT2 OUse the arrow keys to highlight a selection. CREATE will begin the credit memo / advance payment process. Enter a customer number here or leave blank #and a selection window will help you. )The customer's total amount due will be show "here. 0If there is a balance due, you must apply the credit toward the item. If the credit is greater than amount due, apply part of the credit against Sthe invoice to give it a zero balance, then apply the remaining credit as an unapplied amount by selecting 'N' and giving it an invoice number of . This alerts the computer that this is unapplied and will deduct remaining credit from next transaction for this customer. YYou can select posting this credit to a specific invoice. If the number is unknown, leave the Invoice Number blank and press enter. A window will open to help you. 3 lines of comments are provided to remind you why credit was issued. Press ENTER for more, ESC to return NOTE: Credits are normally issued when you have made an error in billing a customer for services they did not receive. If you made a mistake in billing due to a manual entry, you should proceed to the Payments/Adjustments program and enter an adjustment to an invoice. If a customer pays you in advance for services, you may enter an advance payment. It will be given an invoice number of and will not post against an existing item in the file. When you execute the Automatic Billing from the Billing Menu, the advance payment will be credited to the new invoice and, if the credit is greater than the invoice amount, will produce a zero balance item. The remaining credit will then be returned to the customer account for credit against future transactions. PgUp for first screen ENTER to return to processing !If the customer has open items, you must first go to Payments/Adj. and pay out any open items from there OR you must apply the credit here to an existing invoice. If you do not know an invoice number, leave the invoice number field blank and press enter, then select from the window the invoice where the credit will be applied. The overpayment can then be applied as a credit/advance payment here. It will show as an unapplied credit on the INQUIRE screen denoted by the transaction code of 'C' and an invoice number of Press ESC to continue. CTRL-ENTER is accomplished by holding the Ctrl key while pressing the Enter key at the same time. This will keep the information entered into the system. ESC will cause the cursor to retreat back to the field you need to correct before logging it to the files. You may use the arrow keys to move around the screen. CTRL-ESC will cancel this operation as though nothing had ever been initiated by you. ( ESC to continue 5Enter 'M' for bills you will pay every month. 'B' for bills that are every other month. 'Q' for bills that are four time a year. 'S' for bills that are twice a year. 'A' for bills that are once a year. [ INSTALLATION HELP ] The SOURCE drive refers to the letter of the floppy drive that has ALARMZ distribution diskette. This will be the same drive that your datafiles will be saved to during the BACKUP process. (Usually 'A') The TARGET drive is the letter of the hard drive where the programs are to be installed. If you do not have a hard disk drive, then QUIT this operation and call RedHawk Software at the number in the front of your manual. This drive is normally called 'C', but could be 'D' or 'E'. CTRL-ENTER, CTRL-ESC means hold the CTRL key while pressing the associated ENTER or ESC key. [ PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE ] AEnter the equipment that can be found on this site. The qty of each piece as well as its location can alos be kept here. `Press Enter t HELPAPP Add a new customer to the database. CHANGE Change (modify) the account information. If you do not know the account number, leave the Acct No block blank and press ENTER. A window will be displayed prompting you for the last name of the account. Enter the name, or partial if you are not sure of the spelling, and the account(s) will display. Select the one you need with the arrow keys on the keypad and press ENTER again. The account will now be displayed for modification to you. DELETE Works like change except you can't modify info. You can find an account in the same manner and it will be displayed for you. Pressing CTRL-ENTER will remove the unwanted account from your files. (CTRL-ENTER means hold the CTRL key while pressing the ENTER key to perform the task.) APPEND Allows you to clone a record of the one displayed but you must suplly a new ACCOUNT Number. This is useful if you have several different SITES invoice all going to the same BILLING address. . ENTER for more help HELP01 FILES - RECORDS - FIELDS What are they? FILES are the space where information is written to or read from on the disk RECORDS are the individual's account info that is in the file. The file contains everyones' info. FIELDS are the smaller blocks of info in each customer's record. Things like name, address, phone number, shoe size, etc. are all considered to be fields. From now on, each highlighted box on a data entry screen will be referred to as a FIELD OF INFO or simply a field. HOW DOES THE KEYBOARD WORK IN ALARMZ? F1 - will get you into this HELP information. ESC - will get you out. ESC will also move you back one field. - Up arrow will move you back fields. Watch it because it moves fast. - Down Arrow will move you ahead a field. ENTER - Accepts the info (data) you have keyed into a field and moves you to the next field. PgUp - key will display the next screen for you PgDn - will display the previous screen of data. IMPORTANT NOTICE: YOU MUST GO THRU ALL OF THE SCREENS IN ORDER TO ADD OR CHANGE INFORMATION IN THE CUSTOMER MASTERFILE. IF YOU DO NOT GO TO THE FIFTH SCREEN, THE RECORD WILL NOT BE WRITTEN AND THE DATA ADDED OR CHANGED WILL BE LOST ! Press ENTER for more Enter the current account number for this customer. The account number and the customer information will now be displayed to you. In the lower portion of the screen, enter the NEW number for the account. When everything is OK, press Ctrl-Enter to update the account and its associated invoices and service calls. (Press ESC Enter the error information from the reports you receive from the Central Station here. Be sure to include the date and time of the error (false alarm). Enter the open and close times the central station will use for this customer. This feature is primarily here for commercial accounts. DnHELP05A [ BILLING HELP ] Customer Billing Configuration: Let's say we want to bill a customer twice a year. First we would use the ENTER key to get to the month of JUNE and enter an 'X' then press the ENTER key. Now key in the amount to be billed either from the numeric keypad or from the keyboard. Press ENTER again until you were at the month of December and key in an 'X' there and the amount to bill. When AUTOMATIC BILLING is run, the program will pick up these entries and produce an invoice for the amount you specified. Press ENTER at the end of this screen in order to ADD or CHANGE this account in the database. SALES TAX CODE: Valid numbers are 1 to 99. These codes are setup in the SALES TAX SYSTEM. A code of zero means 'no tax' calculated for this account BILLING CODE: Valid Codes are M = Monthly , B = Bi-monthly , Q = Quarterly S = Semi-annually , A = Annually. This code is necessary as well as the required information below. Fill in the complete screen. Invoice Descriptor: Numbers from 1 to 10 are valid. You should take care to left justify the number in the field before entering. Press ENTER or ESC to return to processing Note: You can bypass the billing matrix by pressing the PgDn key. This will place the cursor at the billing code field. Take the default that is presented to you and be sure to finish this screen so that this record will be properly added to the system. ( Press Enter ADD, CHANGE, DELETE, VIEW etc. everything in a customer's file This option is used to maintain address info, equipment on site, alarm error log and billing info PRESS Use this option to change a customers number in the event that they return to you for monitoring and their old number has been assigned to another site. A customer number can't be changed if there are invoices due. PRESS Use this option to look at customers 20 at a time. Customers are shown along with address and phone numbers. Use the PgDn key to see 20 more. Press CTRL-ESC to exit the scan. PRESS Use this option to display 6 customers on the screen at one time. This is like the SCAN feature but has primary contact, site address and total balance due. Press PgDn to show 6 more. PRESS Used to display the customer's balance due on the screen. Complete customer activity as well as payments, invoices, adjustments, voids, and service invoices Items are aged and total due calculated PRESS Use this option to advance to the PRINT MENU. Reports are sent to LPT1 as the default. The reports reflect the current status of single or multiple customers in the database. PRESS Use this option to advance to the BILLING MENU. From there Automatic billing, Payments and adjustments, Single invoices, Credit memo and advanced payments as well as aging and recurring revenue reports can be found. PRESS This request will produce two reports. The selection of customers to be included is bounded by warranty and/or contract expiration date. This date is where printing will begin. This date is where printing will end. CTRL-ESC will cancel this request and take you directly to the ALARMZ Main Menu. ENTER will start the reports printing. ESC or ENTER exits this help. APPEND: allows you to create a mirror image of an account. The account number and the ERROR LOG page are left blank. This feature is useful when an apartment complex or similar installation must be taken into consideration by the system. Example: Your company installs a system in a complex that has ten apartments but the bills all go to the same address. Answer: Build the first account with the site address of the first apt. Next, append the remaining apt's to the first one you just created. Change the Site Info to reflect the next apartment. Change the equipment configuration if necessary. It is advised that you use account numbers that are sequential so that acct number printouts will be easy to read. Remember you must go to the fifth screen in each to to write the new record to the disk. .Press Enter Use this option to make payments, credits, or adjustments to existing invoices. Have the customer's invoices or last statement handy as this will speed up the posting process. Press ESC Use this option to print DELINQUENCY notices for customers selected by number of days pastdue You should use the multi-purpose forms for this print job. Press ESC Use this option to print monthly invoices to be mailed to your monitored customers. At the start of the job, be sure 8 X 11 paper is in the printer. You will be prompted for the invoice forms after other reports are produced. Press ESC Use this option to print any invoices that are considered to be a "one-shot-deal". Have the multi-purpose forms ready in the printer. After the job is completed, replace the 8 X 11 in the printer. Press ESC Use this option to print all of the open invoices by their age. These reports are usefull in detecting trouble accounts. Report requests stateing OVER a certain age will print only those items that age or older Press ESC Monthly Reports on - Payments received Non-leased - Payments received Leased - Payments received Service - Payments received Installation - Paymenst received Prorated 1st month monitoring. Press ENTER to continue Use this option to produce a credit memos or advance payments to customer accounts. Help is provided in the program to aid you step by step in this process. Press ESC Use this option to print statement of account for customers selected by account number. You should use the multi-purpose form for this run. You are allowed 3 comment lines for dunning messages on Delinquency notices. Press ESC Billing Period Starts - This is the date you wish monitoring calculations to begin. The monitoring period begins on the month of the date entered and ends as per the billing cycle for each customer. Invoice Date - Displays as today's date, but can be changed as necessary. Payment Due Date - This date, usually 15 days from the period starting date, is calculated for you, but can be changed as required. Print previous balance - Answer 'Y' to print the current customer total due on the invoice. Print invoice now? - Answer 'N' will cause invoice cycle to update the customers' files but will NOT print invoices. Answer 'Y' to print invoices and update the file structure. Comment Lines appear on the invoice just as you type them. Be sure the wording is centered on each line if necessary. ( ESC to continue If you select NO and press the ENTER key twice, only one line of the invoice will print. This will allow you to check the verticle alignment. Print two or three lines in this fashion and check that date/number fall in the boxes provided on the form. If they do not, then adjust the printer carriage and repeat above. When the forms are properly aligned, select YES and press ENTER and remaining invoices will be printed for you. NOTE: If you encounter problems, DO NOT turn the printer OFF. Use the Online/Offline button to stop printing, correct the alignment, and place the unit back online to complete printing. ( ESC to continue Acct Number If you do not know the account number, leave this blank and press ENTER and a search window will appear. Invoice Date Can be changed as required. Invoice Type A window is displayed for you to view the current settings for these items. Valid numbers are from 1 to 10 and a number must be entered in the field. There are ten lines for invoice items. This form can be used for new installations etc. Equipment groups can be entered into the form and a running total is displayed in the lower right corner. Invoice is then printed. %Press ENTER Produces a report of all accts that are billed monthly and totalizes them by month and annual revenue amounts. Press ENTER Allows you to reprint an invoice that was already printed but lost and needs to be replaced by a new one. The text "Duplicate Invoice" will appear on the invoice. Prints a customer history of all transactions since the last reorganize. If you did not delete zero balance items, those will print also. Press ENTER Produces a report of all the invoices generated during a month you specify. Press ENTER SYSTEM CONFIGURATION Section 1) -Enter your company name as you want it to appear on your invoices, statements, and delinquency notices. Section 2) -In order for your company name etc. to print on your statements, a 'Y' must be entered after "Company Name to print on Statements" -Enter the number at which automatic invoice numbering will begin, and do the same for service incident numbers and PO numbers. -For non-leased or regular monitoring, enter a comment line to print on all statements (EX: 24 hour central station monitoring) -For leased or rental accounts enter a line to print on those statements. (EX: Rental amount due by 15th of each month) Section 3) -Different reports require different codes to enable correct printing. While holding the ALT key, enter the Compress code for your printer from the NUMERIC KEYPAD. Release the ALT key and a symbol will appear. Do the same for the Uncompress code. Normal codes are 15 for Compress and 18 to Uncompress. Symbols displayed are and respectively. Section 4) -Enter the equipment normally installed on your jobs. Examples are KEYS, KEYPADS, MATS, INFRARED, DOORS, WINDOWS etc. These will become prompts for the operator on the EQUIPMENT screen of the Customer DataBase Information System. Section 5) -Enter the letter of the system's floppy drive and hard disk in the spaces provided. Section 6) -Enter Y to skip 2nd and 3rd screens on Customer Entry. * Escape key to continue [ Delinquent Help] Starting Customer Number - The customer where the search for pastdue invoices is to begin. Ending Customer Number - The customer where the search for pastdue invoices is to stop. Number of Days Past Due - Type the number of days where search will start and go greater than. (ex: 60 will print all customers 60 days and older, but will not include any open items for that customer that are younger than 60 days) Interest Charge per Month - Is a percentage to be applied to all open item greater than or equal to the previous entry. (ex: 1.50 will assess 1 % per month on all items 60 days or older.) Comment lines are just that, and will print on the notice as you enter them on the screen. HELPMNU2 Use the arrow keys to make a selection. Press ENTER to execute. Customer account balance via screen displays and printed reports. Track money to be paid to your creditors. Track stock on hand in your warehouse and in each of the trucks Setup ALARMZ to fit your business Schedule service for your customers. History, billing Sales tax by state, locale XPgDn for next screen ESC to exit HELP HELPMNU3 Save your customer information to a floppy diskette. (highly recommended) Replace bad datafiles with clean PgUp previous screen copy from last BACKUP PgDn next screen ESC exits HELP Resets customer balances, deletes zero balance items, speeds up hard disk! Lists files on drive C: Lists files on drive A: Prepares a diskette to receive data from the BACKUP program. A diskette must be formatted prior to BACKUP Calculate monthly interest payments based on standard amortization tables Enter birthdays, anniversaries, special events and schedule appointments PgUp previous screen $ESC to EXIT Enter all or part of Last Name in highlighted box. Press the ENTER key and a list of possibles will display below the name box. Use the arrows to select. If more than 14 names are a match then use the PgDn key or the ENTER key to view the next 14. When you move the bar over the name desired, press the ENTER key and the account will appear on the screen. ' ESC to continue Takes you back to the previous menu This option produces a list of customers as a single line with their name address, phone, and billing chart. Press Esc This option produces a list of customers as a multiple line printout with name, address, phone, contact, and billing information. Press Esc This option produces a single page report that contains all necessary info required by the monitoring station. All newly added customers will print automatically. Press Esc This option produces a single page report that contains all necessary info required by the monitoring station. For each customer, simply enter the account # and have the printer ready. Press Esc This option produces an error listing based on the information in each customers' error log page. It is usefull in spotting trouble sites where the same failures continue to occur. Press Esc This option produces a listing by the equipment control panel model number entered in the customer data- base on the equipment page. Press Esc This option produces a listing in ascending order of customers by ZIP CODE. Press Esc This option produces mailing labels in ascending order by zip code. It requires single wide self-adhesive labels that are " long and 15/16" high. Press Esc This option produces a list of customers as a double line listing with name, address, phone, and brief contact information. Useful as a phone reference tool. Press Esc OPEN a service call phoned in by either a customer or a man already on site. A CALL must be opened before it can be closed and billed. PRESS After a service call has been completed the service tech should bring you a ticket signed by the customer. This was generated in the process of opening a call. This completed ticket will have all the necessary info to close a call. PRESS This option will ask you have the proper forms ready. You are going to generate invoices for all of calls closed that you requested to bill at a later date from the call CLOSE option. Read each screen, as it will prompt you to put the proper forms in the printer. Press ESC This option will ask you for a group of calls to be purged from the system. It will only remove the calls that have been closed and/or billed. PRESS This option will produce a listing on the printer of all calls that have not been closed or billed PRESS View a customer's service history on the screen. SCAN can display the activity as a single line and from there, details on each call can be viewed and scrolled as needed. PRESS Starting Customer Number - The customer where the search for pastdue invoices is to begin. Ending Customer Number - The customer where the search for pastdue invoices is to stop. Number of Days Past Due - Enter the number of days where interest charges will be accrued. (ex: an entry of 60 would add an interest charge to all invoices that age or older). Print statements for all - Answer 'Y' to print statements for all customers, 'N' to print statements for only those that have invoices greater than the PAST DUE date. Interest Charge per Month is a percentage to be applied to all open item greater than or equal number days past due. (ex: 1.50 will assess 1 % per month on all items 60 days or older.) Minimum Late Charge is a dollar amount that will be used in place of the interest charge if the interest amount accrued is less than the minimum late charge entered. 1ESC to continue [TAX HELP] - Add a new tax base to the system CHANGE - Change an existing tax base in the system DELETE - Delete an existing tax base in the system PRINT - Print the current status of the tax system RESET - Reset the current running totals of the tax system. Use with caution. Print the taxes before using this option. - Enter a tax code from 1 to 99 - Enter the county, parish, or locale to which this tax would apply (Ex 5.25 is the same as 5 - Enter the tax required by the state [ Press ENTER to return to processing ] ! H H Use this system to keep records of your vehicle inventory by truck or serviceman. First enter all trucks and their drivers. Then enter all the inventory associated with that vehicle by using the second option on the menu This option is also used to update additions to or deletions from the truck stock. Service Call Log Close will automatically remove parts from the drivers stock if available, else the stock will be removed from your warehouse inventory. You can then inquire stock volumes for each driver by using the SCAN option. Reports of this info can also be printed by using the PRINT option. QUIT will return you to the INVENTORY menu. &PRESS ESC ADD, CHANGE, DELETE, PRINT anything in a vendor's file This option is used to maintain address, phone, contact and credit limit info on each vendor PRESS ADD, CHANGE, DELETE, items stocked in your wharehouse. This option is used to maintain parts info including bin numbers, qty in stock reorder level, your cost, their cost etc. Links to vendor file PRESS FAST update of parts received or taken. The computer does all the calculations and automatically writes new info to system. PRESS PRINTS a listing on your printer of all the items in your wharehouse. Listing is sorted by part name and all items that are on the parts entry screen are printed including current $ values. PRESS PRINTS only those parts that need to be ordered now. Listing is in order by part description PRESS PRINTS parts labels for a given range of part numbers or all parts in the current inventory. A label is produced for EACH part so have plenty of 3 X 15/16 single wide labels handy before you start! PRESS PRINTS parts labels for a given range of part numbers or all parts in the current inventory. Only one label is produced for each type of part in stock. X 15/16 labels are required. PRESS Displays the TRUCK STOCK MENU. From there you can ADD, CHANGE, DELETE, PRINT, AND SCAN any items in a driver's truck. PRESS ENTER your bills into this screen. You will need only the invoice from the vendor. If the vendor does not exist, use the VENDOR MASTERFILE UPDATE to first enter the new vendor. Then return here to enter the invoice. PRESS Make payments on bills you owe. Have the invoice and your check number handy, but the system will aid you in finding the invoice and all its particulars by leaving the fields in question blank and pressing the ENTER key. PRESS This option prints all the items due on the printer for you to browse at your leisure. The oldest A/P items print first PRESS Prints all the bills due beyond their anniversary date PRESS Removes the PAID IN FULL items from your A/P file. These items will be gone forever, therefore, a listing of OPEN PAYABLES will print prior to PAID ITEM PURGE. PRESS Enter the information for the company or individual from whom you purchase goods and services. The vendor number is a number that you generate internally.(ie: you make it up). This vendor ID number can contain letters and numbers. Example: V100, V101, V102 etc. The vendor number is used thru-out the system for service call info and inventory management. The remaining info is self-explanitory. PO NUMBER - is generted by the program and can be changed in the SYSTEM CONFIGURATION program (main menu) Invoice Number - comes from the vendor's invoice Vendor Number - If you do not know the vendor's acct number, leave the field blank and press ENTER. Recurring - 'Y' or 'N' to produce multiple months due. Terms net - how many days before the invoice is due Due Date - automatically calculated by the program, but can be changed if necessary. Return Material - This is the number issued by the vendor which Number was used to return defective warranty items. The payment amount, date, and code are automatically selected for you, however these can be changed to suit your needs. To remove this invoice from the file (ie: VOID) exit this program by CTRL-ESC and use the DELETE option in the PAYABLE INVOICE ENTRY. To complete the payment, press ENTER until the bottom row prompts you CTRL-ENTER to accept CTRL-ESC to quit Payment/Adjustment Help If the account number is unknown, leave the ACCT field blank and press ENTER. A window will display and you can find the account by entering all or part of the customer's last name. The same method can be used to locate customer invoices By leaving the invoice number field blank and pressing the ENTER key, all of the invoices for that customer will be displayed to you. Simply move the highlighted bar to select the invoice for payment. Remember to use the MINUS key when making payments on invoices (statements). 'Press ESC keys to select invoice , press ENTER to retrieve invoice and return to processing. Enter the month to be processed below as 01=January, 02=February, 03=March, and so on. Pressing ENTER starts the report print CTRL-ESC will exit the print request. [Press ESC] * 00 INQIT2 KUse PgUp or PgDn keys to scroll this HELP. ESC key will exit to normal processing. Invoice numbers are displayed here, while checks numbers, if applicable, are displayed below the item. INQIT3 TC means transaction code or invoice TYPE. NA = adjustment C = credit !I = invoice J = interest charge P = payment S = service invoice V = voided item INQIT4 ;Original invoice amount before any other activity takes place. INQIT5 4This column reflects any payments or adjustment to the item. INQIT6 \The date the invoice was generated or a payment etc. was made. (A graphic representation of the age is displayed here. You can quickly spot those items that are becoming too old and possibly too hard to collect. [Name Selection Help] In order to enter new information into the Scheduler, you must first select your name at the left side of the window. Use the arrow key to select the name and press ENTER and the file you have selected will appear in the active BOX at the top of the window. You then can exit this window and select the ADD/CHANGE feature from the menu to change a specific day's activities. Futher HELP will aid you in selecting the proper day/date and entering appointments and optional text into the calendar. Press Esc when done Select or Create an Appointment file CEnter, Change, or Lookup Appointments and Notes ULeave the Calendar Short Description !of Choice 'Enter all or part of the customer's last name here. Be sure to capitalize where necessary, as this improves the accuracy of the search. a ! " [Appointment Memo Help] Notes is a TEXT field of 12 rows and 70 columns. Information typed into this field will be saved in a MEMO field for the current appointment date. This MEMO field has 18 rows and 70 columns. The TEXT field can be scrolled by using the Up, Down, PgUp, PgDn, Ctrl-PgUp, and Ctrl-PgDn keys, to view the additional rows not currently displayed. Ctrl-Enter is used to save and return to the appoinment window. Ctrl-Esc is used to return without saving. Pressing Enter or the Down key on the last row will save to the MEMO field without returning to the appointment window. Pressing the Esc or the Up key on the first row will erase current changes without returning. DATE : Enter the date the note pertains to. TYPE : A PERMANENT note will always remain on the list. A ONE TIME note will be erased after it's date has passed. NOTE : Enter the note you wish to see displayed. This is the total number of payments for this note. It is entered as the number of MONTHS before the note is completely paid in full. EX: 5 year at 12 months = 60 months. CEnter the account number of the invoice you wish to reprint. A window will open allowing you to select an invoice to be reprinted. Press enter to call the item forward. Use the keys to go to a field to be corrected. Change or delete items as you see fit, using the ENTER key to keep any changes that are made. When everything is as you want it, press Ctrl-Enter to start the printout on your local printer. VRANGE - Allows you to reprint a range of invoice without the benefit of modifying them. This is useful if you are attempt- ing to recover from an unsuccessful AUTOMATIC BILLING run. GNote: Changes made to the prices in the far right column will NOT be reflected in the total. This option is used to repint an invoice. If you need to change this invoice, you must VOID or ADJUST the item first, and reissue the invoice to the customer. If you leave the account number blank, a window will open allowing you to scroll the customer file. When you find the correct customer, you can then start the call open process. Customer information, such as address and account balance will be displayed to the left of the customer number. &ESC to continue You can specify the number of service tickets you require in this field. Any number from 0 to 9 is valid. If the customer is under contract a 2 will appear here, warranty a 1 will appear, and regular service will show 2. In any event, you may change the number to the qty you require. ESC to continue Below are three lines of text that describe the problem as the customer perceives it to be. You may also enter your own diagnosis to the problem here. This information will print on the service ticket. You must enter information on the first line to go on. ESC to continue ! G G Use the arrow keys to select the action you wish to do. allows you to generate a new service call. CHANGE allows you to change the an existing call's text. DELETE allows youto delete a call from the system. takes you back to the main menu. gESC to return to processing ?If you leave the truck number blank, press the enter key, a window will open allowing you to access the truck file. If a truck does not exist in the window, you must enter it on the Truck Masterfile Maintenance program. You can then return here to initiate the service call. pESC to continue Enter the number where deletions to the file will start. Enter the number where deletions to the file will stop. In any event, only those invoices with a ZERO balance will be deleted, bounded by the invoice numbers you enter here. Ex: If you wanted to delete all invoices with zero balance between 1001 and 2345 you would enter 1001 in the start date and 2345 in the end date. [ Esc to continue ] Enter the date from which payments are to begin. Be sure the date is correct, as all generated invoices will use this as a base date for date calculations. KEY NAME PURPOSE OF KEY : TO INSERT A NEW NOTE IN THE LIST. : TO DELETE THE NOTE ON THE TOP LINE. (UP) : SCROLL UP ONE NOTE. (DOWN) : SCROLL DOWN ONE NOTE. ENTER : TO CHANGE THE NOTE ON THE TOP LINE. CTRL-ENTER : EXIT PROGRAM & SAVE CHANGES. CTRL-ESC : EXIT PROGRAM & DON'T SAVE CHANGES. @Enter the type of zone and its location here. Type can be BURG, FIRE, etc. and the commnets can be location info or special instructions. MPress Enter aAGE ALARMZ d ALARMZ.H( APPOINT AP_ADJ ; BACKUP > BACKUP2 CALENDARm CREDIT 1 CREDIT2 CREDITS CTLENTER CYCLE_TI1% DRIVE (& EQUIP l* HELP01 Y+ HELP02 30 HELP03 HELP04 HELP05 HELP05A 1? 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